
perry-westphal avatar image
perry-westphal asked

RS450/100 internal error 201 immediately after firmware update V1.05

Are there more people with a RS450/100 that had internal error 201 after the latest firmware update?
Now I have to sent the unit back to Victron.
Unit is connected to 30kW BYD lithium batery, color control and Quattro 15kW.

firmware updatebug reportinverter rs
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plugis avatar image plugis commented ·

I just made the update and also have the 201 error. The unit seems to work, but it just happened a few minutes ago. Is it possible to downgrade to 1.04 ?

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perry-westphal avatar image perry-westphal plugis commented ·
thanks for replying!
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frederikbove avatar image frederikbove commented ·

Just fyi I have also a mppt rs 450/100 and had it updated to 1.05 by using the VRM portal and had no issues except of rebooting the whole system (incl multiplus || gx)

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myshopsolaire avatar image myshopsolaire commented ·

Hello, Same symptom in one of our customers.
We are waiting for more informations from Victron.


Jeremy @MyShopSolaire

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perry-westphal avatar image perry-westphal myshopsolaire commented ·
thanks for replying
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Thanks for reporting all, I don't have any further information - but am posting to let you know that I have seen these and will pass along the reports. If anyone else is experiencing the same, please also post below.

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perry-westphal avatar image perry-westphal Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
thanks for replying
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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Re RS450/100 Error 201 updated to latest version 1.15 still doing it, ? Serial # HQ2114FDQCH

Internal resistance reading from 4 to 15MOhms.

Any more ideas beside sending back for replacement? replace the so called failing resistor on site?

It seems to do it at sunset when sun has gone down very odd to happen as the voltage is low on the PV then?

Rob D


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5 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Dear all,

An update: today we released MPPT RS firmware version v1.08, which solves the vast majority of MPPT RS, and Inverter RS, Error 201 issues.

All that is needed to fix it is that firmware update. No repairs, nor any resistor replacements any more. I have removed my earlier answer, since that is now totally replaced by this new information.

To install the update, two methods

1. When connected via VRM, use the Remote Firmware update mechanism. Details in the documentation.

2. When not connected via VRM, use VictronConnect - either connected via Bluetooth or using a VE.Direct to USB cable. Note that it is the necessary to first download the right files from Explained in more detail in the VictronConnect manual, chapter 9.2, Using a self-supplied firmware file.

Within a few weeks, we'll release a new version of VictronConnect that includes the necessary files, after which it will no longer be necessary to download them yourself.

Though rare it can still happen that Error 201 shows, and that updating to v1.08 does not help - in that case please issue an RMA via the Victron Distributor involved.

Lastly, my apologies for these issues!


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
ps. to push this answer to the top, I've accepted it myself.
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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image
Warwick Bruce Chapman answered ·

Confirming that we have seen this on an RS 450/100 as well

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mike-moody avatar image
mike-moody answered ·

Good day Victron staff

Just to add to this topic, I have had 2 x RS 450/100 mppts show the same Error code straight after installation. The Voltage on the 1 unit has never been over 350 Voc but still gives this error and reduces power / cuts out once the battery has been fully charged ?!

If these units are sent for repair, what is to say the resistor replacement, as suggested, will not fail again on re-commissioning ?



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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Mike, sorry to hear that..!

They won’t fail again. The specified resistors are of a better suitable type than the original ones.
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smueff1970 avatar image
smueff1970 answered ·


which exact type of resitors are needed for an rs450/100 ?

resistor value:

resistor power:

metalfilm ?:



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Hi @smueff1970

Edit - Deleted - see below

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smueff1970 avatar image smueff1970 Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Good Morning,

strange. I opened a newer device on stock, and there is an

1M, ~500mW, 1% Metal

The part number do you send is a 250mW, 5%

What is the right one ?



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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ smueff1970 commented ·

Hi, sorry for the earlier comment, that was indeed the wrong part number. I removed that. And hereby the correct and verified information:

The required part number is VR25000001004FA100, a 1Meg Ohm 1% VR25, from Vishay.

Both pieces need replacing. And to add to this: I've listed this part number here only for those very rare situations where it is essential, a qualified technician is operating, and there is no possibility to get to a repair centre due to this being the holiday period and some kind of urgent site situation.

We must re-enforce that everyone is to only take the official route: for end-users and installers, to - under warranty and have the unit repaired by your distributor or repair centre.

Distributors and repair centers are to contact the Victron Service department. They have more detailed step by step repair procedure information, and/or can supply you with the required resistors, and so forth.

The work is on a 400V circuit, which has capacitance, and needs to be actively discharged (by use of an insulated resistor) after disconnecting, and failing to do so correctly is potentially fatal.

A manageable situation by a trained professional with the correct equipment and procedures, but possibly deadly without them. It is simply not worth the risk to take any unnecessary shortcuts.

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smueff1970 avatar image smueff1970 Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Guy Steward,

thank you.

Next strange thing. i looked on another existing MPPT RS with the 201 Error. There are 0,1% Resistors 1M 0,5W.


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ smueff1970 commented ·
Hi @smueff1970 , please go through the usual channel: your Victron dealer or in case you are a dealer then make an RMA.

Sorry for the troubles!

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Guy

Can you advise me via my email what resistor or location to be replaced in the RS450/100, as to send a unit away and have a client without a battery charging at all, as the drive is 2 hours and then back again then send to Auckland supplier for repair might take weeks, you need more local service in the central north island in NZ.

I am a qualified electronics service engineer and electrician, and installer of all your gear

Note: i have the 1 megOhm VR25 in stock

email raduthie@

Please advise

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smueff1970 avatar image smueff1970 Rob Duthie commented ·

Guy Stewart had remove the picture above about the position of the resistor. in my case it was an software issue und it was fixed.

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

Re RS450/100 Error 201 updated to latest version 1.15 still doing it, ? Serial # HQ2114FDQCH

Any more ideas beside sending back for replacement?

Rob D


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If it’s running the latest firmware, an RMA is now the next step.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Guy

Issue was the faulty resistors, replaced all good now.

Rob D


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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Inverter RS Product page.

Inverter RS Online Manual.

Inverter RS Datasheet.

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic