
vistech1 avatar image
vistech1 asked

Battery cable and fuses


i am getting conflicting info regarding battery cables for the multiplus2 24/3000/32 could someone please clear up whether i need 2x50mm2 cables or 1? my manual states 1. and also the fuse sizes for battery to lynx distributor which i think should be 300amp? and lynx distributor to Inverter 160amps? and max cable size from lynx distro to inverter? i will be running 4x120ah agm batteries, thanks.

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The manual says 1x 50mm² if the run is less than 5m.

For a run of more than 5m then the cable needs to be 95mm², you could also use 2x 50mm² in this case.

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Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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