
pablo-villar avatar image
pablo-villar asked

Charging multiple batteries

Good afternoon. Need to charge 8x batteries from one source. Need to divide DC charging into 8x batteries without troubles if one fail. Any ideas? thks

battery charging
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1 Answer
mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy answered ·

How advanced do you want to get and how autonomous do you want the system to be?

One simple way would be to connect the batteries in 4 strings of 2 in series, with equal length + and - cable to a suitable charger and continuously monitor the voltages of the individual batteries manually to take action if one string would become unbalanced. Alternatively use one battery balancer per string to take care of the balancing. This would need supervision though.

Otherwise it is possible to build a similar but automatic charging system with volt sensors, DC contactors and appropriate automation equipment to disconnect any string of two batteries if it would "fail" according to set criteria. Maybe a raspberry pi with 8 volt reading inputs, 4 relays and node-red on board to control the relays which in turn control the contactors. That system would need no continuous supervision if setup correctly, but there is programming and tinkering involved.

Furthernore, there's always other fancy equipment for such a scenario, like this charger:

Just a few ideas.

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