
metermee avatar image
metermee asked

Connecting EM24 Ethernet to Home Assistent

I have no Victron devices at home at this moment however would like to know the consumption and history power usage over time for my 3 phase powerline

Victron states its easy to connect there devices to a home assistent (

However i cannot find any info how to read data from my home assistant directly over my ethernet network from the Victron EM24 Ethernet?

Is it possible to read directly data from the EM24 with mqtt into home assistant?

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1 Answer
michaels-1 avatar image
michaels-1 answered ·

Hi Metermee,

I also have only the EM24 Eth. and had the same problem and found you question here with no answer.

I managed to integrate the EM24 with Home Assistant.

Modbus is part of Home Assistant and you just need to configure like this (which took me several days to find out):

My config looks like this:

open and edit:

<< /config/configuration.yaml >>


- name: hub1

type: tcp


port: 502


- platform: modbus

scan_interval: 10


###. EM24-E1 ###

- name: L1-N

hub: hub1

unit_of_measurement: V

register: 0000

register_type: input

count: 1

slave: 30

precision: 2

scale: 0.1

- name: L2-N

hub: hub1

unit_of_measurement: V

register: 0002

register_type: input

count: 1

slave: 30

precision: 2

scale: 0.1

Please let me know if it works for you.



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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485