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Multiplus 48/5000/70 shows Off on Colour Control, please help

Good day.

We installed a Victron Multiplus 48/5000/70-100 with a Color Control GX and MPPT 150/100.

After updating firmware on Color Control (2.60), the multiplus inverter shows Off on the display of color control. The MPPT and battery do come up on display on Color controller but not the Multiplus.

The power on the inverter works as normal with correct outputs. I am suspecting a VE.Bus conflict error. Is there any way to rectify my situation

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerCCGX Color Control
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


The first place to look here would be the VE.Bus cable, either it's terminal seating or the cable itself. It's just a straight 'ethernet' cable, but cheapies abound, people make their own, and it drives Victron crazy when they're faulty.

You need to see the Multi listed on the main Device List, not just the display screen. If it's not there it's not right.

Reboot the GX as you progress with any changes to ensure a fresh start.

It's unlikely to be anything sinister like firmware. Indeed I have exactly the same kit and firmware, and mine's working fine.

Let us know how you go..

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