
nickdb avatar image
nickdb asked

Multiplus 2 not compensating for temp with DVCC and STS

Following the advice from the community to get temperature charge compensation working with a Venus GX (using the generic temp probe) and a multiplus2/mppt, I enabled DVCC and STS, manually selected the temp probe (since auto detect doesn't find a generic probe).

The system is still not adjusting the float voltage.

At a bit of a loss to understand why.

Help as always appreciated.

Multiplus-IIMPPT SmartSolarVenus GX - VGX
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nickdb avatar image nickdb commented ·


This appears to be a software issue, have escalated to our local distributor to assist.

We could move the probe to the multiplus but would then lose temperature reporting in VRM.

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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

In the absence of assistance from victron, I moved the probe from the venus to the multiplus and auto-detect immediately found the probe and the voltage changed instantaneously.

Why the Venus won't work just seems like bad coding.

Interestingly, the same probe on the multiplus reports 1.5C higher than the Venus.

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Grant avatar image Grant commented ·

That only works if you have a recent model Multiplus II. It would be really nice if the Venus GX would do its job properly so that everyone can benefit.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Thanks to@Izak (Victron Energy Staff) for debugging the issue. Will be addressed in Venus OS 2.60

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