
damien-c-tanner avatar image
damien-c-tanner asked

Do I need a BMS with MPPT 75/15?


I have a simple 12V solar setup: 200W panels, MPPT 75/15 and a Victron lifepo4 160Ah (manufactured in 2015).

I have set this up with a Victron minibms and connected it to the MPPT with the non inverting remote on/off cable.

But now I am wondering:

1) Do I actually need the minibms? It looks like the MPPT supports lifepo4 and will shut off the solar charging when the battery reaches max voltage.

2) If I don’t use the minibms, will my Victron lifepo4 battery cells balance automatically? The minibms connects to the two Victron battery data cable, but it’s not clear to me if the battery has internal cell balancing which works even if a BMS is not connected to these data cables.

MPPT ControllersBMS
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1 Answer
jbakuwel avatar image
jbakuwel answered ·

Hi @Damien C. Tanner,

See this post.


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