
richsa avatar image
richsa asked

No devices found that can be firmware updated remotely.

Hi All,

Hope you well and staying safe.

I cant seem to see devices (i.e. MPPT's) on VRM to update there Firmware versions on SOME of our installations. Some work perfectly fine and others don't (as in they just don't appear as an updatable device). What could I be doing wrong?



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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


A simple firmware update on the color control could sort it out. We have several sites and the only difference we can see is that on some sites which are older installs have their color control on v2.33 (newer version is v2.53). These older setups we cannot see the mppts even through the updated Victron Connect app.

In some cases though it is better to leave well enough alone if the site is working as expected.

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