
niklas-schauberg avatar image
niklas-schauberg asked

VE Bus Error #3 and #10 @ 2xMP24/1600

Hi everyone,

I have trouble with my VE.BUS since I upgraded my RV setup to a parallel setup.

There are two Multiplus 24/1600 in parallel. Function is well but each time I switch the system on the systems sends VE.Bus Error 3: Not all, or more than, the expected devices were found in the system or VE.Bus Error 10: System time synchronisation problem occurred.

The sequence seems alternating (…, #3, #10, #3, #10, …), it sends never both errors simultaneously.

Firmware on the Multiplus is 510.

Do you have any idea to solve this.

Your help is highly apreciated!

Thanks a lot in advance,


multiplus ve.busmultiplus in parallelVE.Buserror 3
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5 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

How do you switch the system on/off?

In a system with more than one VE.Bus device you should always use a remote control to switch them, not with the switch on the device itself.

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niklas-schauberg avatar image
niklas-schauberg answered ·

Hi Matthias,

thanks for your reply. I leave the hardware switches always at „on“ position and use the GX Touch to switch according my demand of 230V supply.

Maybe it is helpfull to mention that the alarm seems to be active only about 1-2 seconds. But is enough that every time I switch the system on, the GX Touch ends up in the notifications menu and the Cerbo GX beeping while the inverters work already fine.

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niklas-schauberg avatar image
niklas-schauberg answered ·

update: I replaced all the data cables, just to make sure there is no defect.

no change. errors occur each time i switch on the inverters and clear themselves within some seconds.

alarm popup remains of cause on the GX Touch.

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perry-westphal avatar image
perry-westphal answered ·

I solved the same issue last month:
The negative battery connector of one of the inverters was very hot because the bolt was not tight.
My solution: Tightened bolt.

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niklas-schauberg avatar image
niklas-schauberg answered ·

thank you for sharing your experience Perry!

unfortunately this is not the cause of my symptoms, double checked the screws and meassured the connections with my infrared camera, the connectors do not get hot at all.

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