
kevin-cahoon avatar image
kevin-cahoon asked

Is there a way to plot the RUUVI temperatures in VRM so I have a history

I beleive I am having some issues with my fridge. I would like to plot the temperatures on a graph much like the solar is tracked so I have data oveer a period of days or weeks to see when the fridge is fluctuating. It currently goes from 1c to 8c, seems to stop working for 4 to 6 hours judging by the AC loads.

ruuvi sensors
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

As long as the Ruuvi is connected to a GX device then yes you can in the advanced tab, I plot my Ruuvi sensor. You can also view history in the Ruuvi app on your phone but need to be in Bluetooth range.

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niklas-schauberg avatar image
niklas-schauberg answered ·

yes, also the other values like humidity, the sensors produce img-2897.png

img-2897.png (235.9 KiB)
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