
steven-solar avatar image
steven-solar asked

VE.Direct Cable Length

Hi there.

Situation: Battery, MPPT Smart Solar and Multi are in the barn, CCGX ist in the living room.

VE.Direct max. Cable length is 10 meters. Distance I have to build is 20-25 meters.

Any ideas? Maybe convert VE.Direct Protocol to CAN? Or just use some BUS Amplifiers such as 7406? (I am an eduacated electronic technician with no fear of soldering irons :-)

Or convert VE.Direct to any other Protocol such as TCP/IP? Wireless/ BT is no good idea because of some thick walls.

Thank you very much for helping!



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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

The cheapest solution that MAY work is to use the VE.Direct to USB adapter, and then an Active, powered, boosted USB extension cable. I have done that for 1.5M + 15M before and it worked fine.

This one claims up to 50M - but is a bit expensive.

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steven-solar avatar image steven-solar commented ·

That sounds good. And it does take not much effort. Thank you.

For further developments: I'm sure there are many people out there who have their Displays in their living space. An ethernet connection would be much better.



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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ steven-solar commented ·

Hi Steven. Indeed there are other ways. Relegate your CCGX to the barn, add RJ45 cable to your router in the house, and away you go. Full functionality and control either via VRM portal or LAN directly. It exists already, Guy was answering your specific question.

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steven-solar avatar image steven-solar JohnC ♦ commented ·

Hey JohnC,

that would work but leaving my 500 Euro CCGX in the barn was not planned. And I'm not keen of running another device with VRM if theres an existing item.

Searching the web I discovered USB to Ethernet Adapters. That would be a solution I would prefer. Does anybody already tried one of these Adapters?



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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ steven-solar commented ·

Yeh, I have an oldish Ethernet > usb powered hub. Designed for accessing usb clients from a router/pc. The issue with it is that the usb kit needs drivers and gui supplied from the ethernet end, so gets clunky.

I have a CCGX which resides ~3metres from where I sit now, but I rarely look at it. With just one ethernet cable I access it on a bigger screen over LAN with instantaneous control. The buttons clicked with a mouse..

VRM portal access by clicking on a different browser tab. No duplicate VRM, just more convenient access.

Mine likely cost much the same as yours, and I look at the remote access as one of the features I paid for. Local access when you need it if it's in the barn with all the other kit. Just protect it from the cows. :)

We're all different tho, so I won't argue. But think one-ethernet-cable only...

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steven-solar avatar image steven-solar JohnC ♦ commented ·

Hey John,

many thanks for your answer and your effort. I will once again think about it.

Don't worry about the cows- there are only some hens, far away from the stuff:-).

Cheers Steven

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ steven-solar commented ·
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steven-solar avatar image
steven-solar answered ·

Finally found a solution: After 10 Meters inserting a standard TTL 7407 will do the magic: It works :-)

Maybe some other guy out there will be thankful for this hint.

Have fun!



1 comment
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matteburk avatar image matteburk commented ·

Hi How did you connect the TTL 7407 ? Still working good?

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tom-alexander-hatlen avatar image
tom-alexander-hatlen answered ·

me curious too, have the same issue, think 10 meters is just a 2-3 meters to short :(

from my second mppt in the cabin to the "barn" where i have another mppt and plan to put the globallink 520 next to.

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