
shmobile avatar image
shmobile asked

Blue Smart IP22 12/30(3) very hot case


I have installed the above charger in my camper van on a 170Ah LiFePo4 battery, with around 20°C environment temperature.

If I charge with 30A the case is going up to 70°C !

I checked all cables and contacts, the the cable length 1,5m and everything looks fine.

Is that normal ?!?

Why didn't the internal fan starts earlier with a little more speed to cool down ?

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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Charger operation is totally silent whilst the cooling fan is off; the cooling fan is only activated during demanding periods, when it is necessary.

My suggestion - to help natural convection work better maybe help the unit by mounting it vertically.

but the units internal sensors will turn the fan on when it needs to

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shmobile avatar image
shmobile answered ·

In my case the installing environment is a little bit difficult and I can't install it vertical... horizonal is the only option here.

I think 50°C would be okay, but 70°C are to hot.

In the manual are no limitations about the alignment, so if there is no other solution, I must search for another charger...

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russalex83 avatar image russalex83 commented ·

Hi there, I have exact same unit that gets extremely hot at 30A, 15A is fine. When I took it apart I noticed that there is another fan meant to be in the back of the unit. But they moved it inside the unit, makes sense I guess, but it still gets extremely hot, I berely can hear a fan spinning. Since I like the charger, I will purchase another fan like this and install in the back of the unit to allow extra air flow. Will wire parallel to the installed fan. Will see how it works...

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shmobile avatar image shmobile russalex83 commented ·

Hey there,

I'm very interesting about the effect with a second fan.

Please let us know about it, if this helps to get a lower temperature...

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elorent avatar image elorent shmobile commented ·
I added a fan that I had laying around, 12V/.12A. It made a big difference. At full output before, I could only leave my hand on the charger for a few seconds until it was real uncomfortable. With the fan, it was only warm, like you expect from a properly running charger. I soldiered the leads right to the board where the stock fan hooks up. One note, the fan has to be mounted on the outside of the case due to a large capacitor in the way for inside mounting. It still fits under the metal shield on the end. You'll need to drill a small hole for the power lead to pass through.

Victron should really think about adding the fan to the case from the factory because it does make a big difference.

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blue-diamond avatar image blue-diamond elorent commented ·
could i ask what fan you used? i tried this also however have been having some issues. since the orginal fan was 12v i used another 12v fan however found they were both spinning real slow. when i tested the power output from the board where the original fan was connected i found it was firstly putting out 6v, then as the temp got higher the voltage started to come up and the original fan would spin faster. ive also tried to use a relay however that didn;t work properly and the relay would click on and off. currently i have my extra fan connected directly to the output terminals for the battery thats to be charged with a switch to turn the extra fan on and off
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jollyrogers avatar image jollyrogers blue-diamond commented ·

I used one of these fans and installed it in the end with the blue cover, soldered to the existing fan leads. Worked great actually. Ran through a charge cycle and once temps came up, I could hear both fans spinning, and charger was only slightly warm.

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singh avatar image
singh answered ·

About to add a fan also. Having a blonde moment. which direction should I direct the fan? pulling hot air out or blowing in?

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jollyrogers avatar image jollyrogers commented ·
I installed mine so it was oriented the same as the fan installed next to the transformer… if I remember correctly.
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vicky avatar image
vicky answered ·

Installed my new IP22 today, put 1/2 inch spacers (nuts) between wall and case to help airflow.

Case feels hot, but is "only" 51°C, so I'll watch it.


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