
David avatar image
David asked

ZYC battery integration, two sites with Victron and SMA sunny boys

ZYC Battery integration - issue with SMA sunny boy ramping too early.

(please only responses from people who have first hand experience or are Victron or ZYC staff)

DPA has sold several Multiplus and Multi-II some time back (ie - an install working for months/years) to an installer who has now recently swapped out AGM batteries and is using ZYC Zero Your Carbon batteries (from another supplier) , installed as per the Victron/ZYC integration guide and video. They are having the same problem at both sites. The AC Support Assistant (which is operating well but too early) appears to be winding back the Sunny Boy SMA AC coupled string inverter too early and the batteries are only getting to about half full. This was not an issue with the AGM batteries with the Victron / SMA install and setting, but is now creating this issue with 16 cell lithium batts. Perhaps the install guide needs to be updated? I note from the guide and video, that all the float/absorption etc settings must be done 'automatically' via the comms cable on initial start up. Perhaps the AC Support Assistant has been over looked?

Look forward to your response (if you have first hand experience of the issue or are Victron or ZYC staff)

Lithium Battery
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

A reminder, as per guidelines. This is a community site, not a support site nor hotline to victron staff.

If you only want to speak to staff you will need to follow proper support procedures for Victron or the battery manufacturer, who are unlikely to be monitoring this forum.

The internet is the land of opinion and many problems may be common across different configurations.

Note. In the current beta, DVCC settings are also now being enforced for this battery.

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