
chrisa avatar image
chrisa asked

Czone- Victron NMEA crossover.

There is some information already asked about this topic, but not a lot of answers (some dead links etc)

Background - using a Cerbo to interface into Czone in order to bring across data from Cerbo, this is a trial/ test benching with a manufacturer that already uses Czone, and we are trying to get Victron power products over the line instead of Master volt, which I know works seamlessly with Czone.

Test bench has 12/1200-50 Multiplus, Cerbo GX, Smartshunt, and a 75/15 Smart MPPT, with a COI and Touch 7 from Czone. Multiplus is using VE.Bus, rest are VE.Direct connected to Cerbo.

VE.Can to NMEA2K cable being used to connect Cerbo to NMEA2K network. This is sending battery information perfectly, box 1 ticked...

Known factor causing issues - Czone still use some deprecated PGN's - particularly I am looking at 127503, 127504 on Czone that are now 65013, 65014, for AC Voltage, frequency, power etc.

Cerbo has OS large loaded, I can see the 65013/65014 data is being sent on the NMEA2K network.

Question is: can signal K / node red be used to duplicate the 65013/65014 data into a "spoof" 127503/127504 PGN and send it to the network in order for the Czone to pick it up.

This is probably beyond my personal limitations in programming, but once I have a script and some instruction, I am sure it can be replicated going forward.

I have touched base with the local Czone tech team to request that PGN's should be updated so that this won't be an issue in future, but doubt that it will come to anything any time soon.

Their suggestion was to look at maybe using a Master bus/Czone bridge interface and turn on the alternate PGN setting. I have not got one to try this with as yet, and would prefer not to, as I would have to separate into two networks to use the MBI, and it's another layer and product to have to install.

any ideas or programming wizards that can tell me one way or the other?


NMEA 2000 - N2K
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3 Answers
mattyroo avatar image
mattyroo answered ·

The MB/CZone bridge will not do what you'relooking for.The alternate PGNS box is only to transmit PGNs 127503/127504 as 65013/65014, such that Raymarine devices can see them, as RM have moved to the newer PGNs. It will not read the 65013/65014 PGNs.

I have spoken extensively with the development team at CZone to request this, and many other items, but as Victron is a direct comptetitor, it means that there is no real impetus to get the functionality of CZone to read the 65013/65014 PGNS.

I haven't tried doing it with Signal K and/or Node Red, but it may be able to be done.

I have used the Yacht Devices Network Bridge to do this on a few occasions, and I have detailed how to get it done here:

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·


I recommend starting with looking at SignalK for this.

Including contact the people in the signalk discuss.

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mattyroo avatar image
mattyroo answered ·

You should be able to use Signal K.Use Signal K to NMEA Plugin. Configure the SK source to the 127503 and 127504 PGNs. You will need to find the correct source in the SK Data Browser.

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