
kurtinge avatar image
kurtinge asked

NMEA 2000-out - Venus os running on Raspberry Pi

Hi guys!

As this feature now have been improved in the later versions I was wondered how this can be accomplished when using the Raspberry Pi. As far as I understand this is supported in devices with VE.Can port together with the VE.Can -> NMEA2000 cable. Is there any easy way to configure this port on the Raspeberry? Can the ethernet port be used for this purpose?

NMEA 2000 - N2K
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3 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @kurtinge,

you'll need a CAN interface for that, either as a HAT or as a CAN-USB interface. Google is your good friend in looking up all the different devices. They are too many to be listed here.

Together with Venus OS large (incl. Signal K and Node-RED) they are more or less plug'n play.

The PI's ethernet port cannot be used for that.

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kurtinge avatar image
kurtinge answered ·

In my understanding I guess the easiest way is to buy a CAN-USB to RJ45 together with Venus OS large with Signal K and Node-RED. Just plug the ethernet into the LAN where the MFD is hocked up?
I am correct?

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I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to achieve.

Why do you want a CAN-USB to RJ45? The CAN-USB interface usually comes with a data cable or you need to make one yourself. One end goes to the Data-H and Data-L pins from your CAN-USB interface, the other end goes to a Micro-C M12 (or STNG in case you have a Raymarine STNG network) male or female connector, wires connecting to Data-L and Data-H pins, and will then connect directly to your N2K network. No RJ45 involved unless you need something specific.

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kurtinge avatar image kurtinge Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
My MFD (B&G) can receive NMEA over Ethernet as far as I can understand. I want to see battery status on the MFD. The MFD is hooked up to my boat’s LAN and I was wondering if I can make the Rpi to send NMEA to the LAN
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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ kurtinge commented ·

Not without extra devices, like a NMEA 2000 to Ethernet gateway. Such a gateway connects to your N2K backbone and your boat's LAN.

Yacht Devices or Digital Yacht and ShipModul have such modules on offer.

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vassilis-bourdakis avatar image
vassilis-bourdakis answered ·


have a look at this wiki:

has all the supported hats and a couple of usb solutions.

Then you install kwindrem excellent set of tools SetupHelper, GuiMods, VeCanSetup and you're done.

I'm using Waveshare (the cheapest hat I could find) as well as PEAK CAN usb.

Waveshare do a dual CAN HAT as well if you plan to expand with BMS etc.


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