
jonny3812 avatar image
jonny3812 asked

IP22 charger - how to configure as solar backup

Hi, I have an IP22 charger, MPPT 100/30 with 300w solar and a BMV712 on my boat. These all feed a 220 Ah SLA battery bank.

I'm finding it difficult to stop the IP22 interfering with the solar charger when on shore power. I really just need it for back up only on cloudy days when leaving the boat for longer periods. I have a fridge on board which periodically draws 4A just to complicate matters.

I have tried connecting the IP22 to the ve smart network I set up between the BMV 712 and MPPT 100/30 but it just becomes the master and the MPPT is effectively turned off. I've searched this forum for answers and can't believe I'm the only one with this problem. Am I missing something?

BMV Battery MonitorMPPT SmartSolarbluesmart ip22
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

First off, I do not have a Victron ac supply charger on my boat so I do not know how configurable they are. I have a Multiplus inverter charger and my simple solution has been to set the MPPT absorption and float voltages 0.1V higher than the Multiplus. During the day if there is enough solar the battery voltage is held higher than the Multiplus so that stops charging. If it is a poor solar day the solar can not lift the battery voltage high enough so the Multiplus charges from shore power. The Multiplus keeps the batteries on float overnight so they tend to stay full.

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jonny3812 avatar image jonny3812 commented ·

This didn't work for me due to the fridge kicking in which would start the absorption process off on the AC charger regardless. What I have had to do is set the Storage voltage down to 13.1v and turn off the Float voltage. Absorption voltage is set to 14.4v. This seems to do the trick (in case anyone else has the same issues).

Thanks very much for your reply.

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