
Mait Kindlam avatar image
Mait Kindlam asked

Using BMV-712 to turn off 4MPPTs and Balmar alternator regulator.

Hey! I would like to use BMV-712 to stop all 5 charging sources when LFP battery reaches 95% SOC. The chargers are: 4xMPPT 75/15 and Balmar MC618 Alternator regulator. How can I achieve my goal? To cut off Balmar regultaor a relay can be used to interrupt power suplly. How can I cut off 4 MPPT-s (75/15) simultaneously?

MPPT ControllersBMV Battery Monitorbalmar
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3 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Why do you want to cut them off?

If the Battery is full, they stop anyway.

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Mait Kindlam avatar image
Mait Kindlam answered ·

I think I should add some details. The 12V DC system I am designing is for a sailboat.

There will be separate house battery (a DIY LiFePo4 Eve 280Ah cells 4S) and separate Start battery. All charging sources go to LFP battery and Starter battery is charge via Orion DC-DC from LFP battery.

Charging sources for LFP:

Solar arrays feeding 4x MPPT 75/15.

Alternator controlled by external regulator Balmar MC618.

I will monitor LFP battery with BMV-712. A person with much more knowledge than me, suggested using BMV-712 to monitor the 4S LFP battery with "midpoint" mode. Then set it's relay to disconnect alternator regulator at 95% SOC AND 50mV imbalance at the midpoint.

It makes sense, but in my mind only if I can cut all charging sources. Including MPPT.

Am I over thinking this?

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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack commented ·
I shutdown my Generator at 92% because it goes higher, the Generators efficiency and fuel consumption becom horrible.

My SolarCharger continue until 100% because the SolarCharger can get the Batteries, does not matter if is Lead Acid of LFP, perfectly full and the cells equalized.

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skippeer avatar image
skippeer answered ·

Mait, did you implement the solution you outlined above?

I am trying to understand if DIY cable is possible to fix for the shutdown off the MPPT solar charger.

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