
bomax182 avatar image
bomax182 asked

Lynx BMS Pre-alarm Disconnect with Cerbo?

Will a system with the Lynx BMS and CerboGX/Touch50 emit an audible alarm before the Lynx contractor is opened? Or does it only alarm after the fact?

Thinking about the case where battery SoC is at 100% but still being charged for some reason, and the BMS is stopping charging for safety. Or the flip side, SoC has reached the minimum threshold (say 10%) and the contractor is opening to preserve remaining power.

lynx bms
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The lynx BMS has a pre alarm function that drives a relay in the BMS. You then connect that relay to your own warning light and buzzer because the BMS is often mounted out of the way. The only time this is not available is if you are using the relay to shut down something like an alternator.

See the manual and example schematics available from the downloads on the product page.

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