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n3wby asked

GX Touch AC output value from Multiplus II

Is it common to see AC output wattage on the GX touch with the Multi (inverter mode only) Output load isolated.

Is it showing the Multi standby power consumption? E.g 13W

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Yes it will include its own consumption. Best way to check is to isolate loads and see.

Idle consumption depends on set up.

The AC can be a but out if there is no intelligent battery or bmv shunt measurement.

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n3wby avatar image
n3wby answered ·

Thanks Alexandra for the reply.

This was with AC output with no load (CB disconnected) I will perform another test with Multi in OFF status & confirm with clamp meter.

Do you happen to know where the bulk charge voltage is set in the Multi via VEconfig?

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