
stefan-db avatar image
stefan-db asked

Download CSV file from Cerbo

How can I download a csv file saved on the Cerbo (created via NodeRed) ?

- writing to csv -> no problem only what Path do i have to fill in ?

- reading the csv file on my local PC via ethernet -> how do I acces the cerbo to read out the file ?

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5 Answers
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @Stefan DB

/data is a path that survives any firmware update. It's a good place.

If you have the SSH on LAN enabled, use an utility like WinSCP.


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stefan-db avatar image
stefan-db answered ·

@Alex Pescaru

Not clear how I get acces to the cerbo via WinSCP.

Cerbo doesn't show up in the list off network devices

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Cerbo and the computer with WinSCP must have IP address in the same network. For example Cerbo and the computer

Cerbo must have the SSH on LAN option activated. This option is available after you enable the Superuser access level in Settings - General.

You enter Cerbo user/password pair in WinSCP.

Then all should work.

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stefan-db avatar image
stefan-db answered ·

@Alex Pescaru

Superuser is ok ; pasword set aswell but what is the user to be filled in WinSCP ?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·
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stefan-db avatar image stefan-db Alex Pescaru commented ·
@Alex Pescaru

Ok this works but my file is not there.

What path should i fill in in Node Red?

Used "/data" but this is clearly not ok ... tried "/data/filename.csv" also but also fault.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru stefan-db commented ·

Sorry, I did not use Node Red before...

So, don't know how its file functions works and how their parameters are passed.

Maybe someone, more knowledgeable at Node Red, can intervene and tell us.

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stefan-db avatar image
stefan-db answered ·

Found this should be the path filled in but I see no file


1717668465314.png (48.9 KiB)
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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Maybe that condition that leads to that "writing into the file" node is not met.

Use some simple condition, that you know it's always true, to trigger that.

And see if it writes something.

Are there any logs to verify that?

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stefan-db avatar image stefan-db Alex Pescaru commented ·
File is created I see him in the debug.
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stefan-db avatar image
stefan-db answered ·

found the file but the owner is not "root" but "nodered"

this will be the reason why i don't see the file when logging in with root

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