
nielmalanhuis avatar image
nielmalanhuis asked

Force battery to recharge from grid via Remote Panel or VRM app

I have a grid tied system (Multipluss II, CerboGX, SmartSolar MPPT regulating 4 x 450 W PVs and Pylontech US3000C batteries), that is running with Virtual Switch enabled and Grid Ignore while SOC is > 62 % and load is < 2 KW. All items are inter-connected. There are times when it is required to force the system to recharge the batteries to Bulk manually (i.e. not wait for a battery or load condition). This is due to being connected to an unreliable grid which can shut down at any time for extended periods. Question: Is it possible to force a re-charge from grid session via the Remote Console or the VRM app?

battery charging
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

With the ESS assistant it would be easy.
You can switch the system to "keep batteries charged" or program a schedule for daily/weekly charging.

Maybe you can use the "general flag" and some "programmable relay" assistants (+ a switch or a relay of the cerbo) to do that but that will need some testing.

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nielmalanhuis avatar image nielmalanhuis commented ·

We can not use ESS at all due to the pre-paid meter locking out when even the smallest amount of energy is fed back into the grid, for example this happens when switching off heavy loads. This is a very common request from many users in my area. Please consider adding this feature if possible.

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ryanh avatar image
ryanh answered ·

With my Multiplus running ESS assistant and Cerbo GX, when I change the setting from 'Optimized with Battery Life' to 'Keep Batteries Charged', nothing changes even though the battery is showing 80%.

Additionally, scheduling a charge to 100% does nothing except display 'Schedule charge' on the VRM screen. Battery current and percentage stay level at whatever percentage it had been.

To accomplish battery balancing, I have to manually shut the Multiplus off and back on once a month to initiate a new full charge. This seems like something with simply should be not be.

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