
robertbradley99 avatar image
robertbradley99 asked

Node Red Broken - Cerbo GX - "no node red service running on the device"

Hi All,

I see there has been previous topics on node red and issues people have had. I have tried a lot yesterday to try and resolve it but still no success. I had node red running on my Cerbo but following the install of an additional node for API connection to EWeLink the Node red system became inactive and when I tried to open it I got an error saying “no node red service running on the device”.

After some googling it seems this isn’t a unique problem. The fixed seems to be to login via a SSH client and remove node red. I tried this but when I ran the scrip to remove it it wasn’t fully successful. Again after a few hours of playing resorted to a factory reset. This worked and I re set up my Cerbo. Re installed Venus large and crossed my fingers. Sadly still no success.

What I have now is that when I try and open node red it tries to load something but it just gives me a blank white screen in the browser.

Any ideas. I see there is the option to reflash the OS on the Cerbo but I’m really not keen on doing that.

Help please.

cerbo gxNode-RED
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Moving to modifications

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