
dgmar-ni avatar image
dgmar-ni asked

Connect an energy meter on a Cerbo GX without inverter

Good day,

We have a DC installation for telecom in which solar is the priority and rectifiers are complementary. We need to measure daily energy coming from grid. The system doesn't have inverters but we would like to know if for example an ET112 can be connected to the Cerbo GX and measure values from AC distribution panels.

Thank you.

Energy Meter
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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @dgmar_ni

I believe this will work however last I checked the dashboard view didnt work properly without an inverter. It might be complete by now as I did hear it was being worked on.

However If you dont care about dashboard, i see no reason why the data (from advanced tab) wouldnt be recorded as you'd expect.

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