
pyro avatar image
pyro asked

Dashboard Displaying kWh instead of Watts

I have had inconsistent units showing up on the Dashboard of VRM for my SmartSolar MPPT 75/15. When I first set it up it was displaying kWh then shortly after switched to Watts. Now that I switched in a new GX device, it's back to kWh. I'm only running 2x 50 Watt solar panels so I much prefer to see Watts. The graphs in "Advanced" work as expected.

How do I get VRM Dashboard to display Watts?

vrm.jpg (23.4 KiB)
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3 Answers
ceriw avatar image
ceriw answered ·

Your dashboard is correctly displaying energy captured in kWh. Watts is an instantaneous power measurement.

The system will capture and use energy. How fast it does this is determined by the system power.

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Øystein Hennø avatar image Øystein Hennø commented ·

I believe he wants Wh instead of kWh as its for smaller sites. I got same issue. Its useless displaying kWh when it should have been Wh for these small systems.

Could it be a parameter in Settings or Preferences?? That would be great.


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vrm-dashboard.jpg (119.6 KiB)
pyro avatar image
pyro answered ·

kWh for such small panels is useless since it basically dithers between 0.01 and 0.02

Two weeks ago it showed watts with much higher resolution. See below. Same dashboard, same plot, just different time frame selected. How do I get this back?

If I go back even further it showed Watts and Volts. I don't get it. It has a mind of its own.

watts.png (22.4 KiB)
watts.png (22.5 KiB)
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iv4n avatar image
iv4n answered ·

Did you guys find any solution to this problem? kWh is pretty useless for small systems - I have only 50watts of solar

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