
Fideri avatar image
Fideri asked

No superuser option on my Cerbo?

Hello Everyone

I'm trying to setup SSH root access to my Cerbo following the instructions here

They say I have to activate user access to a superuser first by going to settings>general>access level

But on my Cerbo, with user and installer already set, I have no option to change the level to superuser. See screenshot.

If it matters, I'm using Venus OS Large version 3.30.



cerbo gxVenus OSssh
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2 Answers
Al avatar image
Al answered ·

You need to follow the instructions you linked to:


3.1 Set access level to Superuser

To set the root password, first set the access level to Superuser:

  1. Go to Settings, General

  2. Set the Access Level to User and installer, the password is ZZZ

  3. Highlight Access Level (don't open the select page, ie. make sure you are in the General Page, not the Access Level page)

  4. Press and hold the right button of the center pad until you see the Access Level change to Superuser. Note: when working from the Remote Console, you need to use the right key on your keyboard. Pressing and holding the right button with your mouse won't work.

Now you have access to the super user features.

Note that on a touchscreen, such as a Cerbo GX + GX Touch, there is no “right button”. Instead, drag the menu down and hold it down for five seconds. Or, use Remote Console."

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·


Those are the very instructions I was reading. Maybe I misunderstood them.

As per attached screenshot, there is no "Superuser" option. There are only "User" and "User & installer". In computing, a "Superuser" is different from those two.


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Al avatar image Al Fideri commented ·

Superuser only appears after step 2, then hold right arrow for 5 seconds.

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Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·


All sorted, thanks. It turns out that my problem was the lack of a physical keyboard. All my devices use touchscreens and have only soft keyboards. The touchscreen option wasn't working for me. By default, the soft keyboards have no arrow keys. I temporary enabled arrow keys on my tablet and that fixed the issue.


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