
spattex avatar image
spattex asked

My multiplus 2 gx won't read real grid value and no loads

I have a external energymeter ET112 grid connect to pin 1 and multiplus to pin 2 > AC-in.

both neutrals connected to right pin N on ET112

No connections on AC out 1 and 2.

Mains go to AC-in no connections on AC-out 1 ore 2

Multiplus get volts from grid but no loads (very low 40 a 50 Watts)

Ess > external meter and is seeing by the Multiplus.

When i switch to charger/inverter the same happend, very low watts 40 a 50

Do i have a setting misplaced ore do i have a faulty Multiplus 2 GX

I live in the Netherlands and have selected (Europe for grid connection)

When i manualy set battery loads to grid i have a correct reading( set to 1500Watts, i see 1500 watts) pushing to grid.

I don't no anymore wat to do...


gridbalanced ac-load
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9 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi, is this how you connected the ET112 ? and have you set it up in the remote console as grid meter?


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spattex avatar image
spattex answered ·

Hi Duivert,

Yes that is wat i said in my post, on the left side of the ET112 fase of the grid and on the right side the Multiplus.

On the bottom right side both neutrals of the ET112.

When i switch in ESS to lader/omvormer of externe meter i have the same results 20 a 30 watts.

Only if a manual feed a lets say -1500 in grid on ESS i see the correct value of feeding 1500Watts in the grid. See picture.


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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·

And if you set it like this?


In your first picture ac loads is low, so its not inverting, whats your grid setpoint?

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img-6313.png (163.2 KiB)
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

I also have another question, whats the use case? You have no pv? And nothing on ac out so no backup also if grid fails

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spattex avatar image
spattex answered ·

Yes i have pv 2 solaredge units totaal of 5kW.

I have try all possible combinations in the settings. The only time i have a goed reading is when i force the battery to charge (houd accu's geladen) and when i set a nigative value in Grid to force to use my battery power.

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·

Where are your pv inverters connected to? There not on the vrm overview so the multi does not see them

If they are on ac in then there should be a meter inbetween to communicate with the multi

Keep batteries charged should never feed back in to grid, i think some settings are wrong

Have you follwed this guide on ESS:

And or

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spattex avatar image
spattex answered ·

Hi Duivert,

You misunderstood me,

What i mend was, keep battery's charged worked. i see the current from grid to battery.


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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·

Thats ok then, the last screenshot looks perfectly normal for ESS

but you still didnt answer a few questions so i can try to help you:

Where are your pv inverters connected to? There not on the vrm overview so the multi does not see them

If they are on ac in then there should be a meter inbetween to communicate with the multi

In your first picture ac loads is low, so its not inverting, whats your grid setpoint?

whats the use case? And nothing on ac out so no backup also if grid fails

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spattex avatar image
spattex answered ·

My pv-inverters are on the AC-in side from the multi without a meter.

I have the grid-setpoint on 30 Watts.

When i manual set the grid-setpoint to 1000 it charge the battery.


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spattex avatar image
spattex answered ·

When i set the grid-setpoint to -1000 it discharge the battery.


I have nothing on the AC-out, that is fore me not interesting.

I understood that the multi is bi-directional on the AC-in?

So with the energymeter on the grid side , between grid and multi i must see energy flow - ore +?

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spattex avatar image
spattex answered ·

Why i don't see the energy flow in totaal from my home?

When i switch from external-meter ore internal (charger/inverter) the result is the same no energy flow in actual value? That info must com from the energy-meter that is bidirectional in energy flow?

Ore do i wrong thinking how it's working. I read that many people only use the AC-in port on the multi?

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Yes you can use it like you are (grid parrallel)

Is your et 112 right after your kwh meter?

Is your system wired like this:


And rest of your house is connected after et112 and on ac in (ac belastingen) side of multiplus?

img-6314.jpeg (275.9 KiB)
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