
kasledaya avatar image
kasledaya asked

how to recover PUK code


i have purchased used 100/20 victron solar charge controller. I dont find the PUK code on it actually sticker does not exist on the product labels (neither on the back side nor inside the inverter)

How can I obtain the PUK code. i found another 10digit (HQ20339V6M3) and another 4 digit (2063) plz help how to rcovery of PUK

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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

I suggest you try the support page,

You can put your serial number into a search box on that page and that should be able to connect you to the original dealer who can help you out, otherwise you may be able to put a ticket in to Victron direct if details are not available.

Some more info on the thread

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Another option is to buy a BT smart dongle and use that to connect to it with Bluetooth and Victron connect.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Victron - Where to buy - Authorised Installers, Sales and Distribution

Warranty and Repairs.