
xavier-64 avatar image
xavier-64 asked

VRM Firmware updates not correct

Since few days now, I've observed that the firmware update option/features is not synchronised with the Firware of the devices..



I've manually (thru BT) update the devices. But on the VRM Portal, the "latest" proposed are not the same or the latest really installed.

I've tried, log off / log, browser refresh (CTRL + F5) ....


vrm firmware update
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

This has already been discussed in other posts.

There is (and always has been) a disconnect between Victron connect and VRM. They can lead/lag each other, depending on what is updated first, as they don't share a common firmware repository.

This is something that is being worked on, so the platforms are unified.

VC, especially if you are on betas, will also tend to have earlier access.

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xavier-64 avatar image
xavier-64 answered ·




In fact also on non Betas system...

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