
virtualburton avatar image
virtualburton asked

Lynx shunt not connecting to Cerbo GX

I am installing a links power in, links, shunt, VEC and links distributor.

No matter what I do I cannot see the links shunt on my servo GX screen. I have tried replacing the cables with brand new ones, removing all of the other connections from the Cerbo GX (VE B us, VE direct) except the display. I have even replaced the Lynx shunt itself with a new one but still no luck.

All I see is the Shunt LED flashing green indicating "initialization" but no matter what I do, it does not show up on the Cerbo. I have also tried setting the VE CAN configuration to make sure that it is set for Lynx Ion 250 CAN and still nothing.

I am getting to my wits end – am I doing something wrong? I've read the manual about six times and there is very little detail about anything related to VE Can. I have followed the schematics and everything I can read in the manuals.

Does anyone have any suggestions for what I could try next all input is appreciated.

Thank you,


lynx shunt
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

@virtualburton The basics as usual. Have you terminated it correctly at both ends? Tried a different manufactured RJ45 cable?

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virtualburton avatar image virtualburton ejrossouw commented ·
Yes, I think so. I have used the terminators on both the shunt and turbo, disconnected everything else so there’s nothing else to interfere. I have tried four different cables, two brand new, right out of the package. The only thing I have not tried is a Victor manufactured cable which I will try next. Thanks for the help
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw virtualburton commented ·
I am surprised two units have the same problem and will also be surprised if the Victron cable will solve the problem. As a wild shot have you tried the bms.can port, remember to change speed and also ensured all firmwares are up to date?

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virtualburton avatar image virtualburton ejrossouw commented ·

Good suggestion and yes, today I tried the BMS CAN port. I think it has to be something with my Cerbo, most likely how it is configured, because I can see my NMEA devices on VECan, just for some reason it will not find the shunt. The instructions are pitiful when it comes to connecting the shunt. It goes in detail about which cables to connect and what sequence then goes straight into configuring it, but there's nothing in there at all about how the Cerbo connects, what needs to be done, etc.

Thank you for the help and suggestions. I appreciate it immensely.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw virtualburton commented ·

All that is left is to get in touch with the seller to test the shunt port and file a warranty claim if they cannot get it to work on another cerbo.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ virtualburton commented ·
Did you set the BMS-Can port to 250kbit/s for that?
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virtualburton avatar image virtualburton Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Hi Mathias - yes, set it to “VE.Can & Lynx Ion BMS (250 kbit/s”
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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
The other basic is connection to the VE Can port on the Cerbo not the BMS Can port.
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virtualburton avatar image virtualburton pwfarnell commented ·
Thanks, yes, double and triple checked! The middle two RJ 45s on the bottom row. I live on a boat so I have some NMEA 2000 devices that connect to VECan. I’ve unplugged them and plugged in the shunt into the same ports, so I know they’re correct. Thanks for the help. .
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virtualburton avatar image virtualburton commented ·

I've done more checking and still can't see anything wrong with my installation. Tomorrow I will try it with a Victron fabricated cable rather than an off the shelf RJ-45 UTP cable. If it works, I will post on here for those that they run into this problem...

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virtualburton avatar image virtualburton commented ·

Today I tried with a Victron manufactured RJ-45 cable, and again no difference. The servo GX just does not see the Victron Lynx shunt... I am getting kind of desperate and would appreciate any input. Anyone has that might help figure out why.


- I have checked and replaced the cables,

- I've even tried a different Lynx shunt.

- I have verified that the cable is connected in the VECan port, not any of the others.

- I have powered the Cerbo GX off & disconnected power to the shunt, connected the RJ 45 cable with a terminator in the Cerbo GX and a terminator in the shunt,

- I have unplugged everything else from the Cerbo GX so it is just the Cerbo and the Lynx shunt, and it does not see the shunt.

- I have tried different sequences of booting the shunt and cerbo

- different sequences of having the cable connected or not connected and nothing I do works.

- I have checked the protocol of VEC and it is set to 250kb Lynx, I have even tried all the others all to no avail.

The only thing in my Cerbo that is different than some is I have the signal K large OS enabled, and am reading a lot of parameters from my NMEA network on my boat. That being said, I have unplugged everything and restarted the Cerbo GX so it sees no VE Can devices. Then I have added the shunt with nothing else and it still doesn't see it.

Could something with the signal K or node red be causing the Lynx Shunt to not be found? It doesn't make any sense to me because all of the other CAN items on the NMEA network show up just fine..

There doesn't appear to be any support from Victron so really hoping somebody here can give me a suggestion of what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks very much in advance again.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw virtualburton commented ·

Maybe try with the official standard os release without node red and signal-k as a last resort? The rollback feature should make it relatively simple.

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virtualburton avatar image virtualburton ejrossouw commented ·
Thanks. Good advice... I'll try it tomorrow.
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1 Answer
virtualburton avatar image
virtualburton answered ·

Good news, I got it working. The bad news is I’m not exactly sure what or how. What I did was took the Lynx shunt down to the local marine supply store where I bought it and they let me connect it to their Cerbo GX. At first it didn’t connect, but then after a few tries it did. I then took it home and connected it to my Cerbo GX and it worked. Why it didn’t work in the first place I have no idea. Part of me is wondering whether or not it needed to be initialized and for whatever reason wasn’t being initialized on my GX?

The one thing that I think is material to this situation is that I am connecting it to my boat’s fairly extensive NMEA 2000 Network. I gave up trying to connect it with the RJ-45 UTP cable and terminators and connected it directly to my NMEA 2000 and it worked first try. Go figure?

Anyway, I hope if somebody else out there is having the same or similar issue that this helps.

On another note, I accidentally cut the RJ10 cable that goes from the Lynx Shunt to the Lynx distributor. Its function is to provide power to the LEDs on the Lynx distributor. I tried to buy a new cable, but Victron does not make one. I tried to make one but I didn’t realize that I needed special crimpers. It turns out there are three types of connectors – eight pin, six pin and four pin. Although it looks like a regular telephone style four pin connector called RJ11 or RJ12, it is not. It is a narrower connecter called an RJ9 or RJ10 with four wires. They make special crimpers that will crimp narrow four wire RJ9/10 connectors. I bought some blank RJ10 connecters and a new pair of crimpers that can do thre narrow 4 wire RJ10 and made a new cable and it worked fine. Not sure why the cable is so finicky but for anyone trying, hope this helps.

Thanks to everyone who helped out.

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Related Resources

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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