
deke avatar image
deke asked

How to connect Dakota Li 60 AH starter battery to 120 AMP alternator

Installing Dakota Li house bank (3x200AH) and their new 60 AH Li dual purpose starter battery. I have a Beta 30 HP with 120 Amp alternator. The max charge rate for the 60 AH is 80amps and 14.6 volts.

How to I set these two banks up with my alternator to (1) prevent alternator burn up, (2) alternator destruction if BMS turns charging off and (3) to not harm the Li batteries?

Lithium Battery
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Since that's a Dakota Lithium system, reach out to their tech support for assistance on it; we try to keep this forum pretty Victron system-specific just to stay manageable:

There's a good chance they'll recommend an Orion DC-DC charger between the battery banks, but as I'd never personally use an LFP starting battery I'm actually not certain that a DC-DC would be enough since there'd be a risk of running too much current over the first LFP battery by pulling current through it to charge the LFP house bank, so definitely have a chat with their tech support before proceeding.

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