
pv6548 avatar image
pv6548 asked

Grid display in the VRM portal

I use Venus OS on a Raspberry Pi installation. For some time now, no summary of all phases has been displayed in the VRM portal.
The remote console shows everything correctly.
What could it be done on?
Everything is on the cutting edge.

Raspberry Pi 4
Venus OS V3.13
Shelly em3

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·
Hi @pv6548

I had similar issue. I think it's because the inverter is off. Turn on inverter and should sort itself. At least it did for me.

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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Is there a Victron inverter installed? If not, it will not show properly on the dashboard, it is designed around a victron inverter, using an EM won't provide expected results as documented.

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pv6548 avatar image
pv6548 answered ·

Thank you for responding. I did not include an inverter. A Victron Multiplus 2 is on the go.

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pv6548 avatar image
pv6548 answered ·

Nevertheless, I am mistaken. It also worked without an inverter, but hasn't been working for some time.

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