
assyntdavid avatar image
assyntdavid asked

Ignore AC Input 1 Multiplus II

I am baffled! Perhaps a technical expert on the forum or from Victron can explain the following apparently bizarre behaviour:

I am using an assistant to set the general flag to Ignore AC Input 1 (which is connected to the Grid). When the flag changes state I hear what sounds like a relay operate inside the Multiplus 2. From the diagrams in the manual, front cover and another answer on this forum I assume that an internal relay is physically disconnecting the Multiplus from the Grid. And yet, my smart meter readings show that I am using grid energy when the Multiplus is apparently disconnected from the Grid!!! (Approx 1Wh every hour or so - yes a tiny amount but not ZERO). This has been going on for over a month.

Ah, thought I - the smart meter is recording its own self consumption, its about the right order of magnitude. EXCEPT, in the days when I disconnected the Multiplus from the Grid manually, the smart meter was recording ZERO energy use as expected during those intervals.

How can the Multi be consuming energy from the Grid when disconnected from the Grid?

Best Regards,

David Binney

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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

A bit hard to answer without a copy of your assistant setup , however if the assistant is disconnecting /ignoring ac input then yes a relay does open and thus no power is drawn, the question is is it opening and has it been setup correctly to do so .

The below is a copy of my assistant that I use to ignor ac input on ac 1 and to also turn it back on if the solar is out for a long time and thus I need grid to recharge the battery to a min level.


1705195448671.png (46.4 KiB)
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The Multi still has some circuitry connected to the grid to sense voltage and frequency and relative phase to the inverter output. This is needed in order for the Multi to sync to the grid before closing the AC input relay. 1 watt seems reasonable.

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