
brucelgoodman avatar image
brucelgoodman asked

Disable battery charging in sub freezing temperatures

Seeking advice on temporarily disabling my charger. I’ll be facing sub freezing temperatures for the first time very soon with my new van equipped with a Victron MultiPlus Charger/Inverter, lynx distributor, Orion-TR Smart non-isolated DC/DC charger and a SmartSolar charge controller. I want to prevent damage to my LiFePo batteries by being charged when the temperature dips. The batteries are 2 x Ampere Time LiFePo 12v 200Ah. As far as I can tell they do not have built in protection against freezing. I would like to know if simply shutting off my Charger/Inverter will prevent the batteries from being charged.


Bruce Goodman

battery charging
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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

First, for the three chargers listed, each can have their chargers disabled in Victron connect by de-selecting "Charger enabled":




Additionally, with a temperature sensor shared with the MPPT (GX device sharing temp with the system or smart battery sense in VE.Smart network with MPPT), the MPPT can be set to not charge below a given temperature. The Multiplus usually comes with a temperature sensor, and if installed (or if fed with GX shared temperature sensor), and of sufficiently high firmware level (497 I think), can be configured the same way. Both chargers must be set for lithium type batteries to enable it.

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