
mobileme avatar image
mobileme asked

DC only system but VRM shows AC input/output

AC input 1 & 2 are both set to No Available, but Settings has no other place that I have found to turn off the Inverter Input and Output which read zero as there isn't an inverter in the system. How can we turn off the graphics / icons for the inverter from displaying in VRM/Colour Control?

remote console
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4 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You don't say, but it sounds as if there is a quattro or multiplus in your system. The displays are automatic and work on equipment detected, override is not possible

If this isn't the case please lost the components of your system and post screen shotd of yh3 problem screens

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mobileme avatar image
mobileme answered ·

There is no inverter or anything AC in the system.
Consists of:
SmartSolar 75/10
Cerbo S
4G Modem for VRM access

1701662744148.png (37.7 KiB)
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mobileme avatar image
mobileme answered ·

We have deleted the installation from VRM and set it up again and we still get the same results, any ideas anyone?

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


That is the default view for the VRM it is not user editable.

Nothing you can do there for the VRM

There may be a GUI mod for removing the others on the GX display. I have not personally looked into that though.

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