
nishad avatar image
nishad asked

Multiplus II 3kva/120x2 does not respond to on command from Venus OS

I have a multiplus II 2x120/12v/3kva that is connected to the Bluetooth dongle and a RPi running the latest Venus. I am also running the GuiMods. I can never turn on the inverter from the VenusOS UI. I can using the Victron Connect app. Once turned on, all controls on the UI for the inverter/charger works including turning it off.

What are the best steps to debug this issue? Are there any logs I can provide?

Multiplus-IIVenus OSgui mods
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The first thing to do is remove all modifications and see if the issue persists.

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nishad avatar image
nishad answered ·

I just did a clean install of VenusOS. This behavior reproduces with stock VenusOS image as well. Baffling!

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