
seine-batterien avatar image
seine-batterien asked

IT / VRM Question

hello, our customer's IT. asked us questions about internet communication. can someone answer this for me?

1. How does the PV system communicate with the Internet

2. In which directions does the plant need communication with the Internet

3. Will the communication only take place from inside to outside or also from outside to inside

4. Which protocols are used / required

5. Which ports are required

6. Is the communication encrypted?


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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Seine Batterien,

Most of the answers to your questions are in the FAQ section of the GX manuals -

I can briefly answer the others;

1. PV system (MPPT) will connect via a local connection to a GX device which acts the gateway to the internet.

2 & 3. The plant does not require a connection to the internet to work. It is a totally optional feature. It is able to operate outbound only, or both outbound and inbound depending on the features desired. Outbound only is enabled by default when connecting the GX to the internet, inbound (two-way communication) is disabled by default.

4, 5 & 6. See the link above for ports and protocols and encryption method used.

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