
thilohofmann avatar image
thilohofmann asked

Globallink 520 Grafana

Hi community,

I analyze a set of smartshunts connected to globallinks online. Today I use VRM website which is very limited in terms of dashboard. Exporting to CSV/Excel is a way, but it is manually.

Does anyone know if there is a way to connect the globallink 520 via the VRM to grafana or influx? I know there are ways for the cebro devices, but globallink?!

Any suggestions ? :)

vrm advanced
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2 Answers
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

Take a look at this material

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thilohofmann avatar image thilohofmann commented ·
Hello Bathnm,

unfortunately the Globallink doesn't seam to be compatible. The description demands a Victron GX device which does not include the Globallink 520.

In case it works anyway and I am mistaken, please correct me.

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bathnm avatar image bathnm thilohofmann commented ·

It can pull stats from VRM, so it means that Globallink -> VRM -> Grafana. It does require internet access.

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thilohofmann avatar image thilohofmann bathnm commented ·
Thanks , I will look into it :)
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thilohofmann avatar image
thilohofmann answered ·

Hello @Bathnm ,

can you by any chance point me to a guide with this VRM to Grafana? I only find links with the MQTT instructions where grafana is conntecting directly to the venusGX device. This is not possible with the Globallink :(

Thank you in advance

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