
supasarge avatar image
supasarge asked

What percentage discharge can a Lead Carbon be safely taken down to?

Super noddy question I know (apologies) ... but with my limited knowledge I haven't managed to find the answer elsewhere ....

We have a 160/hr Victron Lead Carbon on 12V in an offgrid with PV infeed (Victron MMPT).

The battery was new 2020 and typically is at 100% as so far the loads have been tiny (charging the families mobile phones, powertool cordless charging, laptops etc) ... BUT we're looking to add a rainwater harvesting system and the pump's quite chunky (although won't be working for long over a 24 hr cycle).

Does it damage these type of batteries for the charged state to drop to 50% say or can these safely go a lot lower?

Thank you!

battery charging
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1 Answer
janieronen avatar image
janieronen answered ·

Lead-based batteries should not be discharged below 60% SOC in regular cycled use to get out full estimated lifespan. You can go little lower if charge to full begins shortly after discharging. Leaving continuously at low charge state will damage battery and shorten lifespan dramatically.

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