
homeralaska avatar image
homeralaska asked

Strange behaviour Multiplus II 12/300/120-30


My induction cooker switches on/off when in On or Charger mode.

Background: The Multiplus is connected to lithium batteries and has the standard settings for lithium battery.

When the induction cooker is:

- directly connected to shorepower without the Multioplus in between -> No problems (220V / 16A max)

- When the shorepower (connected to AC 1) and set input set to max 16A and Mutltiplus swithed to Inverter mode only -> No problems (it shows 1000w load)

- When the shorepower (connected to AC 1) and set input set to max 16A and Mutltiplus swithed to ON mode -> The cooker starts and pulls the 1000W and after 30seconds or so it starts to switch on/off causing power surges between 2-80Amps untill the water has finally boiled

- When the shorepower (connected to AC 1) and set input set to max 16A and Mutltiplus swithed to CHARGE mode -> The cooker starts and pulls the 1000W and after 30seconds or so it starts to switch on/off causing power surges between 2-80Amps untill the water has finally boiled

Anybody any idea why this happens, each test i use the same power and pot of water andf it works super either directly to shorepower or inverter mode.

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6 Answers
manta avatar image
manta answered ·

Could it be your Dynamic Current limiting function setting. What are the settings?

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homeralaska avatar image homeralaska commented ·
hi, see screenshots below.
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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Also make sure wide input range is selected and verify your high and low ac input cutoff voltages aren't too tight. Do you have weak ac input enabled? That may cause issues as well.

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homeralaska avatar image
homeralaska answered ·

Ok thanks I will have a look; but all settings are default only switched the lithium on. But I will have a look at these settings and come back with screenshots.

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homeralaska avatar image
homeralaska answered ·

No Dynamic Current settings and no cut-off; see settinsscreenshot-2023-05-01-at-185804.pngscreenshot-2023-05-01-at-185732.pngscreenshot-2023-05-01-at-185717.pngscreenshot-2023-05-01-at-185658.png

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@HomerAlaska your screen shot shows an ac input limit of 6a, not 16a as in your post.

Induction hotplates tend to vary their output by running at full power for x time, them off for x time.

Could be part of your problem in conjunction with the 6a input limit.

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homeralaska avatar image homeralaska commented ·

Thanks for your quick reaction; it was set to 16a previous. I always adjusts it remotely back to 6A for the next campground.

The strange thing is that it doenst behave with these fluctuations in inverter mode (so no ac input)

Or if a plug the cooker directly in the wall socket at the campground (with no Multiplus in between)

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ homeralaska commented ·


Dank Je strange thing is that it doenst behave with these fluctuations in inverter mode (so no ac input)

Or if a plug the cooker directly in the wall socket at the campground (with no Multiplus in between)

Makes sense that that the cooker runs fine via inverter, and 16a shore power.

A 6a input limit is close to the cookers current draw, and will invoke power assist from the multi. That will get nerfed up as the cooker switches on / off to vary power output.

Maybe change input limit to 8-10a and check again?

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homeralaska avatar image homeralaska klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Ok thanks, I will run this test Friday when I’m back camping.
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homeralaska avatar image
homeralaska answered ·

Thank you all; its solved

  1. As mentioned i had my AC 1 current input limit set to 6A. I thought this was a sync setting with the remote, but this isn't the case (stupid me!) Set this back to the default 32A and only chnage the remote.
  2. This didnt fix the issue, but i also had to set the Dynamic Current limit

With these two changes it runs perfect, even if I set e.g. the remote to 4A the power assist kicks in adding the extra amps from the battery

Happy camper, thanks a lot for your support

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