
social-fabric avatar image
social-fabric asked

Multiplus II not connection to mains on low battery voltage

Hi All,

I have a 12V system with the following AC Input Control configuration:-

Connect when SOC drops below: Disabled

Connect when battery voltage drops below: 10.9V - it is this setting that doesn't work!!

Delay before connection: 0ms

Disconnect AC input on: Battery Voltage

Disconnect when voltage higher than: 11.3V

Delay before disconnection: 0ms

I recall it did work when I had the "Connect when SOC drops below:" enabled but I found this method inaccurate with my Ni-Fe battery type (all else works fine). Any suggestions? Thanks in advance...

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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Try re-enabling Connect on SOC below, but with a very low SOC figure, also set the delay to a non zero value.

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