
cotje avatar image
cotje asked

VE.bus state change on MP II

Hello all,

My Multiplus II setup has been working flawlessly for some months now, but recently the VE.bus state changed from Bulk/Absorption to External-control. What could have caused this to change?

Is see no errors or changes in the environment which is still working as before.


battery charging
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2 Answers
cotje avatar image
cotje answered ·

Anyone? Still very confused why this change happened. I can only find one change in my envrionment and that is the fact I changed the charge-limit of the MPPT from 40A to 60A. The MPPT was already running as 'external control', and now the Multiplus2 is acting in the same way. I guess and think this is preferred but before the change it was oscillating between BULK/Absorption.

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Jason - UK avatar image Jason - UK commented ·

Do you have an assistant set up where it might be activating a flag or relay when the current goes above a value between 40A and 60A? I feel your pain about not getting and comments when asking for help on here after several days. The Victron website directs you to this forum when you need support yet serval of my posts have no comments by others. If there is no help on here at times and no troubleshooting guide to cover these little issues, it makes you wonder what else you are meant to do.

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cotje avatar image cotje Jason - UK commented ·
Thanks @Jason ! I agree it is hard to get answers, but I also like the challenge to solve it myself. I've learned a lot already and intend to document it to combine some configurations. Still don't really understand the charge params (see my previous posts) I'm still expecting both the MP as MPPT to follow what is defined in the BMS, and it seems it's doing that now, but unknown why it did... Many options to choose from. At least my config is now running stable and efficient.
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cotje avatar image
cotje answered ·

Hello all, new system same challenge! I've been working to update my system to a three-phase config and more battery power. Again configured for external control (DCVV) by Batrium. First half of the month it did exactly what I told the system to do (from Remote Control in Batrium). Today I noticed the MP was again doing it's own thing (Bulk/Absorption) and that it has changed it's mind two weeks ago.

I'm still wondering what change in the system can cause this and how to revert to full external control?! I must be missing something simple here.

Disabling/Enabling DCVV does not help (asks me to reset VE.Bus. How to? No idea). Redetecting VE.Bux in MP does not help either.

Anyone that can provide me the magic hint? Much appreciated!


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