
mtpockets avatar image
mtpockets asked

vrm dashboard connection

My VRM dashboard works fine at home with my wifi. When we are camping away from home we use a starlink satellite for our wifi, but I cant get the VRM to connect to that wifi to update the dashboard.

Any ideas?

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4 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Uhm. Do you mean you can’t get your gx/cerbo to connect to the starlink AP or do you mean you can’t connect to the vrm site via your starlink AP?

If it’s the former it may well be because it is 5gig wifi and your GX only supports 2.4ghz. If it’s the latter then it is probably a network thing with starlink.

Might help to clarify it a bit better in ye olde English :)

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drlbradley avatar image
drlbradley answered ·

Starlink user here, my CerboGX can definitely connect to the Starlink router (and I can see the VRM site with my laptop when connected to Starlink). Worth checking in the Victron app that the Cerbo is connected to your network.

Your post timing coincides with a large-scale Stalink outage, maybe that was the cause?

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aplord avatar image
aplord answered ·

I have a problem that might be similar. I have a Cerbo GX that used to connect reliably to a Starlink router (dishy v2). And then a few months ago it started to drop the link occasionally - sometimes after as few hours and sometimes after a few days. When it drops it shows a "disconnected" status on the Cerbo GX. Then sometimes it automatically reconnects and sometimes not. It says "connecting" and then at the point where it says "getting IP address" it pauses for a bit and then "failed".

I can't find the root cause. There was a Victron manufacturing fault with the Cerbo GX that arose when the Touch 50 screen was connected. A rearrangement of the Wi-Fi antennae addressed that as I understand it, and my unit is newer, without that fault.

So I don't know whether it's a problem with the Cerbo or with the Starlink router. I am tearing hair out, and so looking forward to any thoughts here!

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Patrick avatar image
Patrick answered ·

I have a similar issue with my cerbo gx. It was connected to Starlink via ethernet and worked great for about 6 months. Now I cannot connect it to the internet and the bluetooth is intermittent too. My cerbo has been nothing but trouble when it comes to being connected. At this point, I regret getting the cerbo gx

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