
johnb80 avatar image
johnb80 asked

Multipluss II 5000 GX

I have a solar PV system hosted by a Growatt Hybrid inverter and battery. I have a Multiplus II inverter with a 14kW battery connected as an AC coupled battery. I have set my MII to schedule charge to 95% when the schedule ends it starts charging from the Growatt battery. I think it sees a tiny amount of export from the Growatt system and then starts the charging again.
Is it possible to stop all charging once the battery hit's 95% or until export from the other system (seen by the MII CT) reaches say 150w ?
Many thanks in advance


battery charging
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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @johnb80 not sure I've understood the setup so let me know if im miles off with the below.

Just so I understand the setup. Growatt inverter and battery is AC coupled to grid

And then you've also got Multiple plus II and another battery also ac coupled to grid.

You've setup the Multiplus II to charge to 95% at a specific time. Then after that you want all excess solar to go into the growatt system?

So up to 95% you want

solar -> growatt inverter -> grid -> multiplus -> multiplus battery

After 95%

solar -> growatt battery

Could you instead have it the other way around so the growatt battery charges first then the multiplus?

That way you could just add a meter to growatt system output, have Multiplus CT on grid and then just use ESS. THis is how normal AC coupled PV would be configured. Only odd part would be victron vrm would show solar PV generating at night but really that's just the growatt system drawing from the battery.


Solar -> growatt battery

Once growatt battery is full an energy meter such at et112 on growatt output would be read by venus os/cerbo gx and if the output of that system was greater than the AC loads the multiplus would charge the battery with the excess (normal ESS system if you ignore the battery on the growatt system)

In regards to capping the multiplus to 95% could just do that via voltage in ve config

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