
Wessel Wessels avatar image
Wessel Wessels asked

How many MPPTs 250/100 can be connected to a Venus GX

The plant have in total 128 x 330w panels, with 16 panels per MPPT = 8 x MPPT 250/100's. The recommendation we got is that we will need Octo GX to connect so many MPPTs.

The rest of the plant are:

  1. 3 x Quattro 15,000 (One per Phase)
  2. 8 x Incell Lithium 5kWh batteries
  3. We busy installing a BMV702
MPPT ControllersBMV Battery MonitorVenus GX - VGXgx device
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Your advice seems good. The family:

Look for VE.Direct ports, and the BMV will need one too..

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