
jhongiraldo avatar image
jhongiraldo asked

VRM alarms from Python

Hi everyone,

I am currently running a python script to get data from VRM. For data such voltages and current everything is working, but when I try to get alarms or error codes the json file shows null or none where there was a error o alarm. Does anyone know how to properly request and get alarms and errors log?

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1 Answer
schollex avatar image
schollex answered ·

Hi jhongiraldo,
I'm also trying to read and write notifications via python. Would you please post the relevant part of your code you've done so far. Perhaps we can assist each other.

My purpose is: I wrote a python-script for reading a smartmeter via IR-sensor to get a virtual gridmeter within DBUS. My scripts recognizes if smartmeter-data is missing. Then, my script shall send a notification/error within Venus.



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