
ve3zim avatar image
ve3zim asked

I have an older multiples compact 12/2000/80

I switched to lithium batteries and need to change settings for voltage and charger output current, what position for dip switches is needed and how to save? I have mk3 but cannot connect. Serial # HQ 1741SYFA3

Lithium Battery
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

HQ1741 is not too old and should work with the MK3.

Maybe there is a problem with the driver in Windows?

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ve3zim avatar image
ve3zim answered ·

big problems with older computers and drivers, I cannot get either windows xp drivers to work or Mac OS high Sierra either , so just need to understand the dip switches, there are so many instructions and versions of saving and entering, that I am thoroughly confused

Just need to cut charging rate down to 50amps

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ve3zim avatar image
ve3zim answered ·

OK solved this problem! MK3 connection works now! After installing ftdi drivers with the helper file, remove the helper file from library/extensions and reboot. This was on an older MacBook running high sierra

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