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ctsit asked

Net metering hybrid solution question

Hi all,

I will build a net metering system with 5kw of Solar panels and 5kw Fronius inverter.

Since incorporating a battery with Fronius inverter is quite expensive I thought of the following solution:

Once the installation and inspection of the net metering is signed off I want to incorporate an external battery bank that will operate as a UPS for my home.

To do that I thought of integrating a Multiplus 2 8kva 48v with 19.2kwh 48v battery bank from either Power Queen or Redodo both are about 1800euros per 4.8 kwh battery.

The multiplus AC in will be connected in one of the Fronius AC out. At the same time I will connect a current sensor to the multiplus to check if there is current coming in (to the Fronius inverter) from the solar panels feed.

If not, then the multiplus will switch to battery completely.

I will not be able to connect only essential loads to the Multiplus as this will mean that I have to redo all my electrical wiring in the house, however we will be contacting all power-hungry activities during morning hours and especially during pick solar production time.

Disclaimer: I am asking if this is possible based on your experience, of course when time comes all work will be done by an authorised professional.

Thank you all in advance.

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1 Answer
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ctsit answered ·

Any input would be greatly appreciated

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