
jakudo avatar image
jakudo asked

Panels mixed orientation - vertical/horizontal


I'd like to install 4 panels 450 Wp for MPPT 150/40, however, due to the size of the South-East oriented part of the roof, i cannot mount them all the same. I would need to mount 2 vertically + 2 horizontally. Is that ok? Or must all be oriented the same? I guess, it is not problem, I just wanna be sure.

Since I need to instal 2 series, 2 parallels, does it matter how I connect them (the vertical and horizontal) or not? Should the horizontal panels be connected in series and vertical in series or I can mix one horizontal and one vertical in series?



MPPT ControllersSolar Panel
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1 Answer
pyrorider avatar image
pyrorider answered ·

Technically it doesnt matter if they are vertical or horizontal, I would connect the 2 horizontal in series and the 2 vertical in series

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MPPT Product Page

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MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual

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