
richie-gorrod avatar image
richie-gorrod asked

12v battery series / parallel

hello i have 16 x 12v agm batteries wired for 24v 8 set of 2 in series. should i link beteeen the positives in the middle of the bank? ie tied the batteries together in a 12v . I have copper bus bar parelleling the batteries together. i have a victron balencer in these but maybe better to do 2 banks of 4 eith another balencer. many thanks rich

battery charging
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1 Answer
ahtrimble avatar image
ahtrimble answered ·

This should answer your direct question, plus it is a great resource generally. Victron Wiring Unlimited

My experience shows the busbar method is the most successful for me. But I have larger voltage, fewer batteries. For your situation I would look at 2 batteries in series, then each string connected to a "Lynx Power In". If it were my system I would fuse and switch each string right at the beginning of the battery string. And I would use a switch at the power out positive side of the Lynx to shut down power to the inverter and the shunt on the negative side of the Lynx to monitor the entire battery bank.

Why put a switch on each string? I like lots of protection and isolation. You could shut down each string individually for working on it. The fuse on each is self-explanatory. But that is just me. You could get by with just the fuse on each string.

Hope that Helped,


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