
ojessie avatar image
ojessie asked

Canable alternatives?

I'm looking for alternatives to Canable Can to USB adapter because Canable Pro is out of stock. I read all the info from Kevin @Kevin Windrem about compatibility with his script and the info from Venus. As I'm not a developer it would be appreciated to keep it simple. My question is someone having experience or even could recommend this product?
MS123 | Innomaker USB to CAN Convertor | RS (
usb2can/USB2CAN UserManual v.1.8.pdf at master · INNO-MAKER/usb2can (

I need to connect my Victron Skylla to Venus on my Respberry PI 4.

Thank you.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·

As per Kevins comments yes use the GS USB loaded firmware interface and it works automaticaly I have those interfaces in stock as i pre prgram with the gsusb firmware for clients here in NZ


Rob D


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ojessie avatar image ojessie Rob Duthie commented ·
Hi Rob, thanks for your help. But from NZ to Austria it's a bit a distance.

Br, Otto

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3 Answers
ojessie avatar image
ojessie answered ·
Just got my Innomaker USB to CAN ... and yes! it worked just out of the box.


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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Looks like this is a gs usb interface so should work. id select the custom gs usb template I VeCanSetup

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You don’t necessarily need to use VeCanSetup if this is your only interface. It should work plug-and-play with Venus OS 2.90 or newer. You just can’t name the interface which probably is not necessary it just one interface.

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ojessie avatar image ojessie commented ·
Thanks for your help. Highly appreciated.
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